Bamboo toothbrush Premium

Bamboo toothbrush Premium

When it comes to dental health, one must provide the best care. The same thing also applies to the environment. Less plastic means less pollution. We are confident that our premium bamboo toothbrush is the answer to both concerns, and that you will love it!Crafted using organic bamboo, and as a result has a compostable handle.

The premium bamboo toothbrush has a circular handle, designed to give you the most comfortable grip, and the length of the brush is 18.7 cm, made longer for the best brushing experience.

You can remove the bristles with pliers. These should go in the waste bin or an eco brick. If your council does industrial composting they may take the bristles (and handle) but please check with your local council first. The handle can be composted at home. Neither the bristles nor the toothbrush can be recycled.

£3.60 per unit
Plastic Phobia

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