Bamboo Dishcloth

Bamboo Dishcloth

Keep your home and the planet clean with our bamboo dishcloth. It can be composted so the bamboo can return to the earth and it is naturally odour resistant. Therefore, it’s beneficial not just for you but also for the environment.
A lot of people don’t realise their dishcloths are made out of microfibers, which are actually made out of plastic. We introduced the bamboo dishcloth as the eco-friendly alternative. Even cotton dishcloths require a huge amount of resources to grow the cotton.

What is a bamboo dishcloth?

1.) Bamboo is naturally bacteria resistant.  Using bamboo helps prevent germs from multiplying.

2.) It’s odour resistant. Since bamboo can fight bacteria in a natural way, it means it can get rid of odour too!

3.) Studies show that bamboo is 40% more absorbent than cotton.

4.) In addition to that fact, bamboo also dries five times faster.

5.) Even the finest cotton can’t compete with organic bamboo. Bamboo can hold three times more of its own weight than cotton. This means it soaks up soapy dish water to clean your dishes properly.

6.) It’s more breathable than cotton.

7.) Bamboo is also hypoallergenic. This list of benefits goes on!

What makes bamboo the best alternative?

  • It causes less plastic waste.
  • It can go in the washing machine over and over again.
  • It is produced in closed circuit conditions to prevent pollution.
  • Bamboo can replenish itself, making it a highly renewable plant.
  • It grows faster and uses minimal resources as it grows organically.
  • The fibre can be composted and is also biodegradable.
  • While growing, the bamboo removes carbon dioxide from the environment.

How to wash a bamboo dishcloth?

You can put it in the washing machine at 30 degrees Celsius.


The bamboo is grown organically in Fujian, China. The bamboo grows extremely quickly even without pesticides. This means minimal land and water are required to produce one dishcloth.
Firstly the harvested bamboo is cut into smaller pieces. Next the bamboo is soaked in a solution using a closed loop process, which breaks down the bamboo fibres. Parchment-like sheets are produce as the bamboo pulp is extracted. These sheets are milled into a fluffy material called viscose from bamboo. Lastly this material is separated, spun into a thread and weaved into a bamboo dishcloth.
The working conditions of the factory are good and comply with the local labour laws.

£1.79 per unit
Plastic Phobia

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